EMEDD Citations for "poesy"

Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto

for the Shakespeare Association of America
San Francisco 1999

  1. poesy (English entry by Thomas Blount 1656)

    POESY: Poesy (poesis) a Poets work, Poetry; There are six sorts of Poesie; The Heroick Poem Narrative is called an Epique Poem; the Heroick Poem Dramatique, is Tragedy; The Scommatick Narrative; is Satyre; Dramatick, is Comedy; The Pastoral Narrative, is called simply pastoral (anciently Bucolique) the same Dramatique, Pastoral Comedy. The figure therefore of an Epique Poem, and of a tragedy ought to be the same; for they differ no more, but that they are pronounced by one or many persons. |Mr. | Hobbs before Gondibert.

© Feb. 1999