EMEDD Citations for "personatus"

Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto

for the Shakespeare Association of America
San Francisco 1999

  1. personatus (Latin entry by Sir Thomas Elyot 1538)

    Personatus, a masker, or he that weareth a visour. Seneca

  2. personatus (Latin entry by Sir Thomas Elyot 1538)

    Personatus, tus, a maske.

  3. personatus (Latin entry by Thomas Thomas 1587)

    Personatus, a, um. That hath a part in a play, a masker, or mummer, one disguised, that weareth a vizor, that taketh on him that he is not, counterfetted, hidden, that which seemeth faire outwardly, and, inwardly is verie deformed.

© Feb. 1999