EMEDD Citations for "munus"

Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto

for the Shakespeare Association of America
San Francisco 1999

  1. munus (Latin entry by Sir Thomas Elyot 1538)

    Munus, neris a gyft, a charge, a duetie or offyce. Munera, commune playes and gaye fightes for the peple to behold, to reioice them, prepared by officers of cities. As in Rome, sondry playes, sworde players, called Gladiatores, huntyng of wyld beastes. Also now in the citie of London, the watches & fyghtes on midsomer nightes.

  2. munnus (Latin entry by Thomas Thomas 1587)

    Munnus, eris, n. g. A gift, a present, a bribe, a charge, busines, dutie, parte, or office: a benefit or friendlie pleasure done to one, a reward: also aid, help, or seruice, Ovid. a common plaie or gay sight for the people to behold, Suet.

© Feb. 1999