EMEDD Citations for "ludicrus"

Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto

for the Shakespeare Association of America
San Francisco 1999

  1. ludicrus (Latin entry by Sir Thomas Elyot 1538)

    Ludicrus, cra, crum, pertaynynge to playe or myrthe.

  2. Ludicrus (Latin entry by Thomas Cooper 1565, fol. cccc2v)

    Lúdicrus, vel Lúdicer, lúdicra, lúdicrum, pen. corr. Virg. Perteynyng to play or mirth: mockyng: light.
    Ludicra præmia. Virg. Light rewardes.
    Ars ludicra. Quintil. A dalyng and triflynge arte as playing with poppets and suche lyke.
    Meum cor cæpit facere artem ludicram. Plaut. Myne hearte beganne to leape in my body.
    Certamen ludicrum. Seneca. Res ludicra. Horat.
    Ludicra subtilitas. Gell.
    Ludicræ tibiæ. Plin. Mynstrels pypes.
    In prouerbij ludicrum vertere. Plin. To tourne to a mery prouerbe.

© Feb. 1999