EMEDD Citations for "ludicrum"

Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto

for the Shakespeare Association of America
San Francisco 1999

  1. ludicrum (Latin entry by Sir Thomas Elyot 1538)

    Ludicr_u, any play or pastime, or an enterlude

  2. Ludicrum (Latin entry by Thomas Cooper 1565, fol. cccc2v)

    Lúdicrum, lúdicri, n. g. pen. corr. Substantiuum. Liu. A play or pastyme: an interlude.
    Celebrare ludicrum. Liuius.

  3. ludicrum (Latin entry by Thomas Thomas 1587)

    Ludicrum, cri, n. g. Liv. A plaie or pastime, an enterlude.

© Feb. 1999