EMEDD Citations for "fori"

Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto

for the Shakespeare Association of America
San Francisco 1999

  1. fori (Latin entry by Sir Thomas Elyot 1538)

    Fori, the hatches of a shyp, or place where men beinge in the shyppe, do walke vp and down. Also stages or galeries, from wh_es the noble men of Rome beheld the playes callyd Circenses.

  2. Fori (Latin entry by Thomas Cooper 1565, fol. fff1v)

    Fori, fororum, m. g. plur. num. Cic. The hatches of a shippe or place where men walke or goe in a shippe.
    ¶ Forus, in singulari dixit. Gellius.
    ¶ Fori. Liu. Stages or scaffoldes whereon they stoode to beholde games and plaies: also the beholders them selues.

  3. fori (Latin entry by Thomas Thomas 1587)

    Fori, or um, m. g. The batches or top of a ship or place where men walke or goe in a shippe: stages, scaffolds, or galleries, wheron they stood to behold games and plaies: also the beholders themselues: seates or pewes for peole to sit in the Church: also the allies or lower places in gardens.

© Feb. 1999