EMEDD Citations for "fabula palliata"

Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto

for the Shakespeare Association of America
San Francisco 1999

  1. fabula palliata (Latin entry by Sir Thomas Elyot 1538)

    Fabula palliata, a comedy of Greke.

  2. palliate fabulae (Latin entry by Sir Thomas Elyot 1538)

    Palliate fabulae, Comedyes or enterludes made in Grecia, and the personages therin were Grekes, as Togatae fabule, were enterludes in Rome, and the personages Romaynes, soo called bycause the ouer­ moste habyte of Grekes was called Pallium, of the Romaynes Toga.

  3. Fabula palliata (Latin entry by Thomas Cooper 1565, fol. aaa5r)

    Fabula palliata. A comedie in greeke.

© Feb. 1999