EMEDD Citations for "comicus"

Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto

for the Shakespeare Association of America
San Francisco 1999

  1. Comicus (Latin entry by Thomas Cooper 1565, fol. Z3v)

    Cómicus. pen. corr. Adiectiuum. Pertaining to comedies. vt, Comicus versus. Plin.
    Actores comici. Quintil. Players of enterludes.
    Comicus poeta. Plin. A maker of comedies.
    Res comica. Horat. A matter handled in a comedie.

  2. comicus (Latin entry by Thomas Thomas 1587)

    Comicus, ci, m. g. Plin. A writer or maker of enterludes and Comedies.

  3. comicus (Latin entry by Thomas Thomas 1587)

    Comicus, a, um. Pertaining to, or handled in comedies: comical.

© Feb. 1999