EMEDD Citations for "comedia"

Ian Lancashire
University of Toronto

for the Shakespeare Association of America
San Francisco 1999

  1. Comœdia (Latin entry by Thomas Cooper 1565, fol. Z3v)

    Comœdia, huius comœdiæ. A comedie: a playe wherein common vices are noted in personages representyng them.
    Agere comœdiam. Vide AGO. To play a comedie.
    Actores comœdiarum. Quintil. The players of comedies.
    Prisca comœdia. Horat. Iocorum referta comœdia. Cic.
    Vetus comœdia. Horat. wherein men were namely expressed and noted. In comœdis placere. Cicer.

  2. comedia (Italian entry by John Florio 1598)

    Comedia, a comedie, a merry play, an enterlude.

  3. comedia (Spanish entry by John Minsheu 1599)

    COMEDIA: {*}Comedia, f. a comedie, a play, an enterlude.

© Feb. 1999